Parenting is hard. You are not alone.

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:25

The mission of Cornerstones for Parents is to build families up with a focus on the five pillars of Christian parenting:

KNOW>> Christian parenting essentials

CONNECT>> Tips to increase connection

DISCIPLE>> Discipleship ideas

CORRECT>> Solutions for misbehavior

SUPPORT>> Encouragement for parents

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Is your child struggling with anxiety and worry?

My workbook for Christian kids can help. It offers information and concrete strategies to help your child understand and overcome their struggle with worry.

boy dressed as a soldier with a foot on a box. Anxiety workbook for Christian kids

Learn more about author and founder, Laura Kuehn, LCSW.

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Anxiety Book for Christian Kids

Anxiety is on the rise in kids. Christian kids are not immune. They need to have a greater understanding of how they are wired, how anxiety takes over and how they can use God's word to face all the challenges that life hands them.

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