Visual aids are a wonderful way to enhance your communication with your children. All of the parenting printables are free and original to Cornerstones for Parents. They are in PDF format. Click on the image to download your copy.

Use this behavior log to help you better understand your child’s difficult behaviors. It will encourage you to look underneath the behaviors to the possible root cause. To learn more about how to manage your child’s rage and anger, click here.

This two page behavior chart will help you and your child “reset.” It frames goals in the positive and will help you be on the look-out for those behaviors you want to see more of. For detailed information on how to use this chart, click here.

“I’m bored!” Those dreaded two words. The next time your kids are claiming they have nothing to do, hand them this printable (or this one if your kids are a bit older) and watch their imaginations soar. No devices required!

This poster will provide your children with a visual aid to help them manage conflicts with siblings and peers. Print out one for each child. To learn how to implement this system, click here.

This handy printable is a great tool to help you to discuss practical Biblical truths with your children. It addresses common behavior problems such as self-control, obedience, wholesome talk and the treatment of others.

This decision-making tool will help you dialogue with your pre-teen/teen on any decision that they may have to make. Learn more on how to help your kids make good decisions here.

Here is a great list of simple prayers that you can use to cover your children with prayer. Consider using this list to pray over your children as they sleep in their beds at night.

Here are some kid-friendly promises of God with scripture references. We can all use a little reminder from time to time of who God is and how much He loves us.

Get everyone’s heart ready for Christmas with this two-page printable. It includes a Bible passage to read, a gospel implication and a suggested ornament to hang on your Jesse Tree. To learn more about how to use a Jesse Tree in your advent celebrations, click here.