If you are a parent with ADHD, you face unique challenges. Here we explore a few of those challenges and some tips to help you navigate parenting with ADHD.
How to Use the Simplest Parenting Tool: The Pause
The pause is not a quick fix parenting tool. But it is a simple intervention to help you parent with intention and purpose.
Help! My Kids Won’t Play Alone!
Do your children struggle to play alone? Here we explore some parental mindsets regarding independent play as well as some tips to help your children play by themselves.
5 Ways Jesus Handled Stress and Suffering
If you are struggling with stress and overwhelm, look to Jesus. He knows our suffering and shows us ways to cope.
Afraid to Say No? Saying It Too Quickly? Tips for Parents
Do you struggle to say no to your kids? Or say it before thinking? Here we explore this tricky word and how to use it with intention.
Is Worry A Sin? Answers from the Life of Jesus
Is worry a sin? Here we explore this question by looking at the life of Jesus for answers.
Are You Being Ruled by Rules? Tips for Christian Moms
If rules are ruling your mind, this post will offer you tips to notice, name and release unhelpful thoughts. Applications for Christian moms included.
Help in the Moment: A Quick Tip for Overwhelmed Parents
Dropping anchor is a quick tip for moments of emotional overwhelm. Applications for the Christian parent are included.
Book Review: Kili and Nakoa
A book review of Kili and Nakoa - a children's picture book about the presence of God during the hard times of life.
Christian Parenting Basics: A Guide to Parenting When You Feel Unsure
Do you sometimes feel as if you don't know what you are doing as a Christian parent? This post is meant to be a guide to help you get back to basics
Jesus Had Feelings Too- A Family Devotional
Feelings are a part of the human experience. Jesus had feeling too. This family devotional for kids explore the feelings of Jesus from Scripture with a fun twist!
How to Spot the Signs of Hyper Intensive Parenting
Hyper intensive parenting is at an all-time high. Let's explore how we ended up here and what we can do about it. Tips for Christian parents included.
How to Deal With Mom Guilt – Tips for Christian Moms
Do you struggle with mom guilt? Most of us do. Here are some reasons why and what you can do about it from a Christian perspective.
When Your Toddler Hits (What You Can Do About It)
If you have a toddler, it's likely you have struggled to help them manage their anger. Here I explore how to intervene if your toddler hits.
Is Gentle Parenting Biblical? Considerations for Christian Parents
As Christian parents, many of us want to know the "right" way to parent. Here we look at gentle parenting in the context of Scripture.
Anxiety Book for Christian Kids
Anxiety is on the rise in kids. Christian kids are not immune. They need to have a greater understanding of how they are wired, how anxiety takes over and how they can use God's word to face all the challenges that life hands them.
How to Get Unstuck as a Christian Parent
If you are a Christian parent feeling stuck in your parenting, this post will help you define your parenting voice and get out of your head and into the life you want to build with your kids.
How to Avoid Losing It With Your Kids
Do you find yourself on the brink of losing it with your kids? You are not alone. Read on to learn some tools on how to keep your cool.
What It Means to Be a “Good Enough” Parent
Do you worry about parenting? Do you wonder if you are doing it right? What if you could embrace the idea of just being a good enough parent?
Misbehavior as Discipleship Opportunities
In this post, we will examine how to create discipleship opportunities that address attention-seeking behaviors, controlling behaviors, revenge-seeking behaviors, and behaviors driven by a sense of inadequacy.
Are You Missing an Important Element of Discipline?
Discipline is a lot more than just telling our kids what we don't want them to do. Here we explore the importance of training and some ways to do it.
Are Kids Good Inside? A Christian Parenting Perspective
There is a popular conception among many parenting platforms that kids are good inside. Is this true? Here we explore this issue from a biblical perspective.
An Important Daily Practice for Christian Parents
As Christian parents we know we need to correct and train our children. There is one key spiritual discipline that can help us do that well.
How to Handle an Out of Control Child
Your child is raging and you don't know what you do. Here are things you can do in and out of the moment if your child is out of control
What is the Job of a Christian Parent?
You may want to know what the job of a Christian parent is. Here we explore this idea through the lens of what we can and can't control.
What to Do When Your Child Hits at School
What can parents do if their child hits at school? Here are tips on how to collaborate, understand and intervene in aggressive behaviors at school.
A Christian Teen’s Guide for Good Mental Health
Some tips and ideas to help Christian teens safeguard their mental health.
How to Parent Overt Disobedience
Kids who outright refuse to obey can be a challenge to deal with. Here we explore why kids overtly disobey and how parents can effectively respond.
How to Parent Passive Disobedience
It can be hard to get kids to hear and obey and instruction. This post explores passive disobedience and what you can do about it.
Should I Use Time Out To Discipline My Children?
Are you confused about the use of time out in discipline? This post examines why time out does not work and what makes it more effective.
10 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
Here are 10 tips to help stop a panic attack in its tracks. Includes resources, helpful info on body systems and a quick reference tool.
Kids and Cell Phones- A Guide for Christian Parents
What are the things Christian parents need to know about kids and cell phones? Here we explore it from a developmental point of view.
How to Help Kids to Use Mindfulness Biblically
Here we explore some information and tips on how Christian parents can teach their kids to practice mindfulness biblically.
How to Connect with Your Child at Any Age
Connection is essential for effective parenting. Here we explore a variety of ways you can connect with your child at every stage of development.
What is Parent Counseling and Do I Need It?
If you are struggling to be the kind of parent you would like to be, parent counseling might be right for you. Find out how it is different from coaching and how it can help.
How to Help Kids Feel Safe in a (sometimes) Unsafe World
Safety is a primal need. Let's explore how parents can help kids feel safe in a sometimes unsafe world. Includes tips for Christian parents.
How to Help a Child Who Has Lost Social Skills Due to the Pandemic
Some kids are struggling socially right now. Here are 9 steps parents can take to help a child who has lost social skills. Help them re-engage and re-connect.
How to Trust God’s Calling as a Christian Parent
You may be struggling right now as a Christian parent, overwhelmed with your role. Let's look to the Bible for assurances that God has equipped you for the task.
How to Find a Therapist Who is Right for You
It can be hard to find a therapist that "fits." Here are some tips to help you find a therapist that is right for you.
How to Increase Your Children’s Emotional Intelligence: A Christian Perspective
With all that we face, it is important that we help develop our children's emotional intelligence. Here are some concrete tips from a Christian perspective.
Should I Hide My Faith Struggles From My Kids?
As Christian parents, we want to raise kids with a strong faith. But what if we are having faith struggles ourselves? Let's look to the Bible for answers.
How to Disciple Your Children at Every Age
Now more than ever, we need to raise kids who have deep roots of faith. This post explores a number of different things you can do to disciple your children at every age.
Ways to Help Kids Examine Their Hearts
Self-examination and looking deep into our hearts with the eyes of Jesus is a discipline. Here are some concrete ways to help your kids examine their hearts.
How to Help Your Preschooler with Transitions
Does your little one struggle to leave playdates? These 5 tips will equip you with the tools needed to help your preschooler with transitions.
How to Get Your Parenting Back on Track: Tips for Christian Parents
The fuller our lives get, the easier it is to let our parenting slide. If you are a weary Christian parent, here are some tips to help you re-engage and get your parenting back on track.
3 Reasons Why Kids Don’t Listen to Their Parents
If you find that your kids don't listen to you, these three reasons might uncover the reason why, and what you can do about it.
How Christians Can Fight Fear
It's easy to let the headlines fill us with fear lately. We can either turn off all connection with the outside world or we can fill our hearts up with something else entirely.
Should Christian Parents Demand Immediate Obedience From Their Kids?
We all want kids who obey. But should we expect immediate obedience? As always, the Bible has some answers to this question. Includes a practical application.
Family Devotional: Can I Ask Jesus for Anything I Want?
Jesus says something really shocking about prayer in John 14. This devotional will help kids understand the intent behind His words.
Ways to Be Proactive About Your Child’s Mental Health
Here are 5 concrete things you can do to support, advocate for and monitor your child's mental health.
Children’s Mental Health: Early Intervention, What to Watch For, and What Parents Can Do
Statistics show that children are struggling from the emotional turmoil of the pandemic. Learn the importance of early intervention, what to watch for and what you can do about it.
Help for Parents of 2-7 Year Olds
If you are struggling to manage your young child's difficult behaviors, PCIT is proven help for parents of kids ages 2-7.
The Importance of Reading the Bible With Your Children
We all want our children to be wise, kind and good. 2 Timothy 3 tells us the one thing we can do to achieve that.
How to Talk to Kids About a Tragedy
Talking to kids about a tragedy, whether it be personal, national, or world-wide requires wisdom and restraint. Here we explore some tips for Christian parents.
When You Don’t Like Playing With Your Kids
Do you enjoy playing with your kids? If not, you are not alone. Here are a few insights to encourage you.
Free Printable! 20 Promises of God for Kids
Kids need to know the promises of God too. Here's a free printable and some tips for leaning on the promises of God.
A Biblical Way to Address Lying in Kids
If you have discovered your child is lying, you are not alone. It is a common misbehavior. Here is a biblical model from John 4 to address lying in kids.
Why are my kids bored? They have so many toys!
"I'm bored" is the bane of every parent- especially when you look around and see toys everywhere. Here we look at 2 reasons why your kids are bored and what you can do about it.
Make this Christmas a Birthday Party!
We might be the ones who get gifts on Christmas, but let's not forget whose birthday it really is. Here are 7 tips to make Christmas a proper birthday party this year.
How to Parent When You are Stressed Out
Parenting when stressed can bring out the worst in us. Some lash out, some retreat. Refocus and regroup with these tips for Christian parents.
How to Biblically Discipline Your Children
The Bible is relevant to everyday life- even parenting. Here we will explore how to biblically discipline your children based on how God dealt with the first sin of all time.
Interview with Children’s Book Author, Marybeth Wishart
Join me as I interview Marybeth Wishart, the author of Parker the Purple Penguin. Learn about the faith that inspired this powerful children's book.
Teaching Acceptance Through Story Time: A Review of Parker the Purple Penguin
Picture books are a wonderful tool that parents can use to instill values in their children. Here we review a new children's book that can be used to address prejudice in an age appropriate way.
How to Parent Teens: Quick Tips for Christian Parents
If you are just entering the teen years, it can feel overwhelming. Arm yourself with the basics with these 5 tips for Christian parents.
How to Talk to Kids about the Coronavirus: A Christian Parent’s Response
Pandemics spread more than viruses. Let's dig into God's word and calm our weary souls regarding the coronavirus so we can spread peace instead of panic to our children.
How to Spot Ineffective Discipline – Tips for Christian Parents
Do you find that your discipline falls flat? Maybe it isn't discipline at all. Here we look to God's word to learn what what God considers ineffective discipline.
Tips for Christian Parents from the Song of Songs
Here we explore how parents might use the themes in the book of Song of Songs to address some important but sometimes difficult topics with their children.
Insights for Christian Parents from the Book of Ecclesiastes
Here we dig into Ecclesiastes and find some helpful truths for Christian parents regarding fearing God, storing up treasure and finding meaning in the here and now.
How to Love God Like a Child
Do we have child like faith? As parents, we can learn a lot about our relationship with our heavenly Father by watching our children.
Living your Faith Out Loud: Tips on Discipling Your Children
In this article we explore 8 different ways you can live out your faith as a means of modeling your relationship with the Lord for your children.
How to Talk to Your Children about People with Disabilities
This article explores how to talk with your children about people with disabilities. Your kids may have some tough questions. This article will give you some tips on how to address those questions. Dedicated to my sweet Uncle Walt.
How to Share the Christian Faith with Your Kids
Christian parents have a responsibility to share the Christian faith with their children. This article encourages us to take a closer look at how we are doing at passing on our faith.
How to Comfort a Hurting Child -Lessons from the Book of Job
How can parents help a hurting child? The book of Job provides great guidelines on what you can do and what you should avoid.
Family Devotional on the Book of Esther
A family devotional guide on the Book of Esther that addresses the need for recognition for good deeds. Includes resources for younger kids.
How to Parent a Teenager – Tips from the Bible
It can be tempting to disengage from our teens. Nehemiah has some tips on how to parent a teenager. Includes resources.
How to Address “Dating Evangelism” – Tips from the Book of Ezra
What is a parent to do or say when their child wants to date a non-Christian? Here we address the idea of "dating evangelism" with some insights from the book of Ezra.
There are No Guarantees in Parenting – Insights from 2 Chronicles
What happens when we do everything "right" and our kids don't turn out as we thought they would? God's word provides comfort for parents.
How to Serve God as a Family – Tips from 1 Chronicles
In 1 Chronicles 24-27, we see that families served together. Let's reconsider how we do church and ways your family can serve the Lord together.
How to Keep Your Cool as a Christian Parent
The Bible is rich with parenting advice for the Christian parent. Here we learn the art of keeping our cool in crisis from the prophet Elisha.
4 Reasons Parents Have a Hard Time Disciplining Their Kids
Do you ever feel reluctant to discipline your kids? If so, you are not alone - the "man after God's own heart" did the same. This article will explore four different reasons why parents may avoid discipline and what you can do about it.
How to Explain Mercy to Kids- Insights from 2 Samuel
Here are some insights and tips gleaned from 2 Samuel on how you can help your children grasp and practice the godly character of mercy.
How to Explain Sin to Kids
As Christian parents it is important that we teach our children the seriousness of sin. Here is a fun family devotional that will help make the concept real.
How to Launch Teens into Young Adulthood
Launching teens into young adulthood can be a tenuous task but God's word gives us some tips on how we can effectively support and navigate this stage.
How to Explain the 10 Commandments to Kids
Here we address the real reason God gave us the 10 Commandments and how we can use this information to share the gospel with our children every day.
How to Grow Closer to God
Want to grow closer to God? Want your children to grow closer to God? The key is found in Numbers 12.
Ways Christian Parents Can Discipline Their Children
There is some surprisingly helpful parenting advice in the book of Leviticus. Here we take a look at a biblical model for discipline based on God's relationship with the nation of Israel.
How to Trust God with Our Children
Let's take a look at a great example of trusting God with our children from Exodus 2.
Helping Kids Choose Jesus Over Self – Tips from the Book of Genesis
Here's a simple truth from Genesis 3 that teaches us and our children that we have a choice to make everyday: will we choose self or Jesus?
Dealing with Self-Centeredness in Young Children from a Christian Perspective
Me first! This is a common cry among young children who are developmentally in a self-oriented phase. As Christian parents, we can address this focus on self through correction and encouragment.
How to Celebrate Christmas with a Jesse Tree Advent Calendar
Celebrate this Christmas season with a Jesse Tree. Free printable and instructions included!
How to Parent YOUR Child
How do you parent the children you have been given? Here are five tips to help Christian parents tailor their parenting to the unique children in their homes.
Understanding Your Child’s Fear of the Dark
Many children go through a phase of being afraid of the dark. If you find yourself in a nightly battle with your child, here are some insights to help you get to the bottom of their fears.
Sibling Rivalry – When Your Oldest Child Has Become a Bully
Sibling rivalry is normal. But when one child seems to be at the center of all the discord, you may have a bully on your hands.
Does My Child Need Therapy? If So, What Kind?
Seeking the right mental health treatment for your child may seem like a daunting task. It doesn't have to be. This article will explore the reasons to seek treatment and different options available for children and their families.
How to Disciple Children: Tips for Christian Parents
Disciplining our children is important. For Christian parents, discipling is even more so. Here we address tips for being and making disciples of Jesus in our own homes.
Parenting the Heart, Not Behavior
God cares about our hearts - the motivation behind our behaviors. As Christian parents, we should too.
Good Friday Devotional for Kids- Free Printable!
Make the meaning of Good Friday come alive for your children with this family devotional activity.
How to Focus on the Heart Instead of Behavior
Jesus criticized the Pharisees for focusing on how they looked on the outside and neglecting the heart. Christian parents can fall into the same trap.
Christian Parenting: Talking to Kids about Premarital Sex
Talking to your children about the problems with premarital sex doesn't have to be hard. Use this simple anaolgy to get the conversation going.
Why Kids Fight and What You Can Do About It
Kids fighting? Get to the bottom of sibling conflict with these helpful tips.
Problem Solving with Kids Using the Miracle Question
Try this effective technique for partnering with your child to find solutions to the problems you face in your home.
Getting to the Heart of Thanksgiving
While it is important to be thankful for our material blessings, as believers, we have something much more foundational for which we can be thankful. Let's make it our aim to get to the heart of Thanksgiving this year.
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? A Look at Scripture
As a Chirstian parent, do you struggle with Halloween? Here we will explore some biblical guidelines to help you discern God's will about this issue for your family.
Praying for Your Children: A Free Printable
A free printable filled with simple prayers you can offer to the Lord on behalf of your children.
When Kids Don’t Care About Their Consequences
If your kids have an "I don't care" attitude about their consequences you can evaluate your discipline using these 7 tips.
5 Classic Children’s Books that Build Character
We all know that reading to our children is important. Use these precious time to instill character and values with these classic children's books.
When Kids Fool Around During Devotions: 7 Tips for Christian Parents
Kids fooling around when they should be listening and learning? Try these tips to get your daily family devotions back on track.
Tips for Technology and Media in Christian Families
Here are 7 tips to help parents make decisions about how to use technology and media in Christian families.
Give Me Eyes Like Jesus
It's so hard when we look around and see all the pain and suffering in this world. The solution? We need eyes like Jesus.
How to Parent a Toddler: Tips for the Terrible Twos
Is your toddler out of control? Get things back on track by following these 6 parenting tips.
Evaluating How We Talk to Our Children
It seems to be so much easier to be kind and patient with other people's children. Find out why this happens and what Christian parents can do about it.
Three Elements of Positive Parenting
Have you found yourself stuck in a pattern of parenting lately where everything you say is negative? Get positive by applying these three basic elements of positive parenting.
Sibling Relationships and Their Impact on Child Development
Studies have found that siblings can impact each other's development more than parents. Learn what you can do to foster healthy and positive sibling relationships in your home.
Home Church Service Idea: What is Faith?
You can worship God anywhere! This article will give you the structure, content and discussion questions for a family home church service on the topic of faith.
Talking to Kids about “Bad” Words: Tips for Christian Parents
What do you do when your kids learn a "bad" word? Here is a simple but effective tool that parents can use to help their children evaluate the words that they hear and say.
10 Signs Your Kids Have Become an Idol
Have your kids become the sole focus of your life? Check out these 10 signs that you may have developed an unbalanced relationship.
Helping Children Understand Sin
Talking to kids about sin doesn't have to be too serious. Use this simple spring-time object lesson to make a lasting impression.
How to Help Your Child Deal with Angry Feelings
Get practical tips on how to help your child identify, process and uncover the root cause of his or her angry feelings.
What is Anger? A Christian Perspective
Anger is an emotion that we all experience. In this article, we will take an close-up look at anger from a Christian perspective. You might be surprised at what you learn.
Tips for Parenting Highly Sensitive Children
If you have a highly sensitive child there are things you can do to instill and encourage healthy coping mechanisms. Here are several parenting tips for raising a highly sensitive child.
Self-Esteem and Kids: A Christian Perspective
Self-esteem is a concept that has many parents confused. Here we will explore self-esteem from a Christian perspective as well as some ideas for application for Christian parents.
Kids and Privacy: Should I Spy on My Teen?
The decision to look through your child's things is one that should not be taken lightly. Here we help parents identify the circumstances in which an invasion of privacy is warranted.
How to Answer Kids’ Questions About Good Friday and the Crucifixion
It can be hard to answer kids' questions about Good Friday and the Crucifixion. It's good to be prepared if they do. Here are four common questions kids ask and some kid-friendly answers.
How to Help Kids Understand the Meaning of the Cross
Here is a Good Friday Bible activity and devotional that gives you the language and imagery to help even the smallest child grasp what Jesus did for them on the cross.
Helping Your Kids Make Good Decisions
The ability to make good decisions is a skill that all children need to learn. As our children age, we can help them acquire this skill by teaching them how to objectively view the circumstances surrounding a decision. This simple model will help both you and your kids make sound, well-infomed, God...
Reaching the “Unreachable” Teenager – What Christian Parents Can Do
Do you feel that there is a great divide between you and your teenager? You can close the gap by applying God's model for reaching the "unreachable." These five steps will start you on the road toward restoration and reconciliation.
The Importance of Affirming Children
Affirmation is much different than empty praise. Here we will learn what affirmation is all about and ways you can affirm both your child's character and her spiritual growth.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day – Family Style!
Valentine's Day is not just for couples! Try out this idea for a family Valentine's celebration this year. You will have fun, but more importantly, you will learn valuable information about each and every member of your family.
How to Improve Your Parent-Child Relationship
If you are feeling disconnected from your kids, this article will help you learn the key elements of a healthy parent-child relationship and ways to improve it.
The Most Important Tool for Christian Parents
What is the most important parenting tool for Christian parents? It's effective and accessible no matter who you are. Read on to find out what it is.
How to Help Children with a Bad Habit
If you have a child who has developed a bad habit, consider these tips to help you team up with your child to defeat the unwanted behavior.
Talking to Kids About Tragedy: Do’s and Don’ts for Christian Parents
It seems that tragedy is everywhere lately. Many parents struggle with how, when and even if they should address it with their own children. Here's a list of do's and don'ts for the Christian parent.
Making the Most of the Symbols of Christmas
Evidence of God is everywhere. This is true especially during the Christmas season. Let's make the most of this opportunity by getting into the habit of saturating our children with the love and presence of God.
Teaching Kids Manners: Questions Every Parent Should Ask
When is the last time you sat down and had a purposeful conversation with your kids on the topic of manners? If it has been a while, here are some questions you can ask to assess how manners-wise your children are.
Thank Your Kids This Thanksgiving
Take time this Thanksgiving to express a heartfelt thanks to your kids. Our original printable will help you do just that.
How to Avoid Saying No All the Time
"No" is a small but powerful word. Here are some alternative to saying no regardless of the age of your child.
“It’s Not Fair!” A Christian Parent’s Response
Do your kids exclaim, "It's not fair!" Let's explore the problems that stem from a "fairness focus" and some things you can do to address it.
Mom’s Moods and the Importance of Self-Reflection
What's the emotional climate like in your home right now? For good or bad, Mom's moods can have a big impact on the overall emotional environment in the home.
Interview with Children’s Author, Lisa Moser
I am very excited to have children's author, Lisa Moser as our virtual guest this week. I recently had the honor of conducting an email interview with her and know you will enjoy getting a glimpse into the faith and inspiration behind this accomplished children's author.
Getting Kids to Listen and Obey
Kids who listen and obey are like the holy grail of parenting. If your children are struggling in this area, try this one simple change to your parenting style that will help increase their compliance and obedience.
Show or Tell? The Importance of Role Modeling
When it comes to parenting, what are you better at? Showing or telling? Most of us have the telling part down pat. But being "doer's" of our own words - well . . . that's another story. Let's explore the importance of modeling and the great grace of God when we fall short.
Teaching Your Kids How to Show Love to Others
How many times a day do you find yourself telling your kids to "be nice"? We can help them "be nice" to others by teaching them concrete ways to show love. This family activity will help your kids see and understand a simple but powerful way to show love to the most important people in their lives.
Stranger Danger: Teaching Kids About Strangers
Most children know that they should not talk to strangers. But do our kids know who qualifies as a stranger? Here we will get back to basics and explore what you can say to make sure your children know how to be safe.
How to Control a Controlling Child
Controlling children can be very difficult to handle - even for the most patient of parents. Here we will uncover the answer to the question: How can I control my controlling child?
Home Church Worship Service Idea (from the book of Ruth)
Here is an outline for a family worship service at home on the book of Ruth. If you ever find that you can't get your family to church, don't worry. You can bring church to your family!
Over-protective Parents: Tips for Letting Go
Training wheels are great for helping a child move from a tricycle to a two-wheeler. But as I learned this past weekend, training wheels can hold a child back if used too long. Are there other areas of life in which we inadvertently hold our kids back? Join me as we seek to find the balance between...
Quick and Easy Summer Devotional Ideas for Kids
During the summer it is easy to get lax about many things. One thing we can't let slip is making the most of family devotional time. Here are some fun and creative devotional ideas for you to use this summer with your kids that will be sure to engage and equip.
Troubles Are Our Tether to God
Pain. Hardship. Struggles. These are all things that we try to avoid. But if you find yourself in the midst of a trial, there may be more good in it than you thought.
Summer Boredom Solutions for Kids
Summer is a time for fun, but for some kids, it is a time of inertia. If your kids have difficulty entertaining themselves, read on for possible reasons why and some ideas to get them up and moving.
Help! My Kids Fight ALL the Time!
As the thermometer inches up this summer, so may tempers be increasing in your home. If you have kids that just can't seem to get along, these tips may be just what you are looking for to cool things down.
Talking to Kids About Sanctification
Perfectionism is a burden that no one should carry. As Christian parents, we can help our children understand that God does not call us to be perfect but sanctified. Here you will learn how to communicate this concept to your children in a way they can understand.
How to Help Your Child with Perfectionism
No one is perfect, but some kids think they should be. This post will help parents spot possible underlying problems and give tips on how to help a child with perfectionism.
Christian Parenting is “Heart” Work
Parenting is not an easy job - it is hard work. It is also *heart* work. Keeping the right focus can help us parent the part of our kids that has eternal value: the heart.
20 Ways Christian Parents Can Discipline Their Children
Do you ever feel unsure about how to best discipline your children? Here's a helpful list of 20 ways Christian parents can discipline their children.
I Lost My Temper, Now What?
If you have ever struggled with anger outbursts as a parent (and who hasn't), read on to find out what you can do in the aftermath as well as some ideas to prevent them from happening.
The Truth About Parental Consistency
We know we are supposed to be consistent as parents, but what does that really mean? Is there a "right" or "wrong" way to implement consistency? Read on to find out.
Harsh Punishments – Why They Don’t Work
In the heat of the moment it can be very tempting to punish our children severely. We may even feel justified in doing so. But is it effective? This article will look at the reasons why punishments don't work and some implications for Christian parents.
Why Do Children Lie?
Lying is a common behavior problem in childhood. But why do some children lie more than others? And what can Christian parents do about it? Here we will explore some answers to both of these questions.
My Child is Afraid of the Dark
Is your child afraid of the dark? Here we will uncover some possible underlying causes and think "outside the box" for ways to address this very common childhood issue.
Teaching Children About Prayer
This post challenges Christian parents to help children grasp the depths and truths of what prayer really is by using fun games and a visit to a vending machine!
An Easter Egg Hunt Alternative for Christian Families
If you are looking for and alternative to a typical Easter egg hunt this year, try this activity for Christian families: A Hunt and Give!
How to Help Young Kids Understand Easter and Good Friday
As Christian parents, it's important we help our little children understand the truths of Good Friday and Easter in developmentally appropriate ways.
Natural and Logical Consequences: Examples and Uses
Natural and logical consequences make sense as a discipline strategy, but often parents struggle to come up with ideas of their own in the heat of the moment. Here we explain what these types of consequences are and some examples to get you thinking in the right direction.
Intentional Misbehaviors: “I Don’t Care!”
What do you do when your child doesn't seem to care? Addressing a hard heart is an important task for all Christian parents. Here we will identify some examples of intentional misbehaviors, what God has to say about hard hearts and what you can do to effectively address them.
Selfish Behavior in Children
Interrupting . . . running through the house . . . leaving dirty towels on the floor . . . these are all common childhood behaviors. And what they have in common is a focus on self. Here we will learn about selfish behaviors and how parents can address them.
Ignorant Misbehaviors: “I Didn’t Know THAT Would Happen!”
All misbehaviors are not created equal. Figuring out the heart condition behind the behavior is important for Christian parents. Here we explore the first of the three different types of misbehaviors.
Why Kids Ask So Many Questions and How to Build Trust with Your Answers
Kids ask so many questions. Let's learn some reasons why and how you can use your answers to build trust in God.
Warm Up With a Good Book! Perfect Soup by Lisa Moser
There's nothing better than snuggling under a blanket and reading a good book with your kids. Perfect Soup will warm your soul and provide you with an opportunity to illustrate the biblical principle of grace.
5 Things Parents Need to Know About Children and Therapy
Figuring out if and when your child could benefit from therapy is not always easy. Here we will explore some answers to common questions that parents might have about children and therapy.
How to Help Kids Who Worry: Solutions from the Bible
Does your child struggle with worry or anxiety? Here we will look to the Bible for inspiration for practical tips to combat worry.
Is Jesus Asleep in Your Boat?
Are you going through a tough time? Do you want to shout, like the disciples did in their wave-torn boat, "Don't you care about me at all God?" If so, read on for comfort and encouragement. You will find He has been with you all along.
Teaching Children to Say ‘Thank You’
Now, more than ever, we need to make sure that we help our children develop hearts filled with thankfulness. There is no better antidote for the influences of a me-centered society than an "attitude of gratitude."
How to Teach Children Empathy
Some people are naturally empathetic and some are not. We can help our empathy-challenged children to develop this important relational skill with these tips and suggestions.
It’s Just a Phase: A Refreshing Look at Child Development
It can be hard to determine if difficult behaviors in our children are indicative of a more serious problem or if they are just a phase. Here we will take a look at some helpful insights on child development from the Gesell Institute of Human Development.
Sending Your Kids to Their Rooms May Not Be Helping
Sending children to their rooms is a common parenting intervention. And it is a good one. It just may not good for all situations. Read on to find out about how sending your children to their rooms may not be effective for sibling arguments.
How to Use a Behavior Chart to Improve Behavior
There are a variety of behavior charts available to parents. As long as they are seen as a temporary tool to get a child back on track, they can be very effective. Here we will explore how to use CfP's version of a behavior chart.
Feeling Let-Down After Christmas?
The day after Christmas is often met with disappointment and longing. You can use those feelings to seek the Lord and turn your family's focus toward Him.
Keeping Kids Focused on Jesus Christmas Morning
Keep Jesus in Christmas with these simply yet effective activities for Christmas morning.
The Pitfalls of Christian Parenting
This is our last in a series of three articles on the basics of Christian parenting. Here we will explore the different traps that well-meaning Christian parents can fall into.
God-focusing Activities for Christian Families
This is the second article in a series of three about the back-to-basics of Christian parenting. Here we explore the different activities that families can engage in that will keep them connected to and centered on Christ.
The Goals of Christian Parenting
Our first in a series of three articles on the basics of Christian parenting. Here we address the main goals and objectives of a Christian parent.
When You Don’t Like Your Own Child – What You Can Do
Of course you love your child, but maybe circumstances are such that you don't like him much right now. Find out what you can do to rekindle your feelings of connection and compassion towards your child.
Stop Comparing
Do you find yourself comparing your personality or parenting skills to others? How can you accept who God has made you to be? Here are some simple truths that will hopefully encourage you as a parent and child of God.
Threats vs Warnings: Tips for Christian Parents
Threats may give you instant results, but do nothing to train your child. Learn the difference between threats and warnings with definitions and examples.
Eternity and Kids: Making it Real
Learn how to instill a "heaven-bound" perspective in your children with these simple tips.
Creating a Memory Book with a Terminally Ill Loved One
A memory book from a terminally ill loved one can be a wonderful keepsake for your child. Here we'll show you how to create this cherished and meaningful legacy.
How to Protect Your Children from Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse thrives on secrecy. We need to cut off its lifeline by educating ourselves and proactively taking measures to protect our children. Here are 6 things you can do to help protect your child from sexual abuse.
How the Bible Says We Should Talk to Our Kids
What are your conversations with your kids like? Are they "full of grace and seasoned with salt"? Here we will explore Colossians 4:6 and how it relates to our interactions with our kids.
Using Role Play to Train Children
Training our children in what we would like them to do is as important as disciplining them for what we don't want them to do. Using role play is a wonderful tool parents can use to help a child gain mastery of an under-developed behavior or skill.
How To Handle a Child Who Won’t Stay in Time Out
If your child won't stay in time out, you are not alone. With these tips you won't have to hold them in time out or throw your hands up in despair.
Tips for Christian Parents on Self-Control
Do you find yourself losing your cool with your kids more often than you would like? Christian parents can find the key to self-control in God's word. Here we will explore His solution to this not-so-uncommon parenting struggle.
How to Increase Obedience with Positive Opposites
Is there too much negativity in your home? You can turn it around with the parenting technique developed by Dr. Alan Kazdin of Yale University. Here we explore how to use positive opposites as well as it's pro's and con's.
Morning Devotions with Kids Made Easy!
Finding time to squeeze in morning devotions with kids on school days can be hard. Here are two easy ways to help you fit devotions into your morning routine.
What is the Difference Between Praise and Encouragement?
Here we will explore the differences between praise and encouragement (with examples), the problems with praise, and the benefits of encouragement.
What You Can Do to Help Your Child Resist Peer Pressure
Here are some things Christian parents can do on a daily basis to give their children a strong foundation for fighting peer pressure.
How to Reduce Stress as a Parent
Get some peace back into your life with these 5 simple things you can do to reduce stress. as a parent.
Bible Verses That Address Common Behavior Problems in Children
Here is list of Bible verses about behavior issues children commonly display. Free printable for those teachable moments with your kids.
Solutions for Your Kid’s Messy Room
Is there a "mess-maker" in your house? If so, you are not alone. Here are some practical tips on how you can guide your child to a neater room and help him keep it that way. We will also consider personal temperament as an important factor in this issue.
Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Your Teen
Adolescence is the time that the process of separation from parents begins. This can lead to a disconnect between parents and teens. Here we explore some things you can do to keep the lines of communication open and improve your relationship with your teen.
A Soft Heart is a Teachable Heart
What is a "teachable moment"? How can I spot them and capitalize on them? Here we will explore how you can know when the ground of your child's heart is fertile for planting seeds of truth as well as a few examples of what you can do and use during these "teachable moments."
What to do When Your Teen Says, “I Hate You!”
"I HATE you!" is an all too common outburst during the teen years. Its almost like a right of passage. These are strong words, but your reaction doesn't have to be. Here we explore how you can defuse and address such an outburst.
How to Help Children Stop Fighting
Here we will explore our conflict resolution plan for children. When in use it can help children stop fighting and better resolve their conflicts.
Teaching Children Conflict Resolution Skills
Here we'll explain how you can teach your children S.T.A.L.L., our technique for conflict resolution. It's best to introduce any new program or idea during times of calm. We'll talk about using role play and brainstorming to walk your kids through the various steps.
What You Can do About Tattling
Not all tattles are created equal! Knowing what your child is after when he or she tattles will help you intervene effectively. Here we will go through some of the most common tattles and what you can do or say in response.
A Christian Parenting Tool that Addresses the Heart
This discipleship tool for Christian parents can be used with 3-7 year olds to address not just outward behavior, but the heart.
Using Ice Cream to Illustrate God’s Love: A Devotional for Kids
What do ice cream and God have to do with each other? A lot, apparently! You can use this yummy treat as a way to illustrate God's love, protection and salvation to your children.
Christian Parenting: How to Handle a Bossy Child
Do you have a bossy child? If so, these 7 tips will help you turn your little CEO-in-the-making into someone with more of a servant's heart.
Non-Technology Activities For When Your Kids Are Bored
Many parents get frustrated when their kids are bored despite having a house full of toys. Here's a free printable with non-technology activities for kids of all ages.
How to Handle a Sensitive Preschooler
If you have a sensitive preschooler, you will need to arm yourself with the right information and skills in order to teach and train her how to cope in a non-sensitive world. Here we will give you those tools you need.
What to Do When Your Baby or Toddler Hits You
Simple but effective things you can do if and when your toddler hits you.
How to Discipline Nine, Ten and Eleven Year Olds
Tweens are not an easy bunch to parent. Here we will explore the unique challenges of parenting this age group and some proactive things you can do to stay ahead of the peer pressure curve.
How to Discipline Six, Seven and Eight Year Olds
Our parenting skills and methods need to adjust as our kids age. Here you will learn effective ways to train and discipline your elementary aged child.
How to Discipline Three, Four and Five Year Olds
Preschoolers can be a tough bunch. Here you will learn effective ways to discipline 3, 4, and 5 years old
How to Discipline a Two Year Old
The "terrible twos" don't have to be so terrible! Most of your work during this developmental stage will be in the form of education and re-direction. You will learn that consistency is key and that "no" doesn't have to be the most-used word in your home.
How to Discipline a One Year Old
Much of the work you will do during this developmental stage will have to do with structure and setting limits. You and your toddler will have a much better time if routines fill his day and if attentiveness and persistence formulate your parenting.
How to Discipline a Baby – The importance of training from day one
Discipline is not a four letter word. Fundamentally, it has to do with training. And, yes, even babies need that. Here you will learn how you can gently but effectively train your baby in the first year of life.
10 Common Parenting Mistakes
Here we will go through 10 of the most common parenting mistakes and how to avoid them.
How to Help a Child Who Wants to Give Up
Kids who give up easily are said to demonstrate a display of inadequacy. Here we explore what's behind the behavior and how to help a child who wants to give up.
How to Address Revenge-Seeking Behavior in Children
Often children who lash out and cause others pain do so because they are IN pain. Here you will learn what revenge-seeking behavior looks like in children and the most effective way to discipline a child who struggles in this area.
How to Handle Controlling Behavior in Children
Do you have a child with control issues? Learn what is behind controlling behavior and what you can do about it.
How to Address Attention-Seeking Behavior in Children
Does your child display attention-seeking behavior? Find out what to look for as well as effective ways you can train and correct these behaviors.
4 Reasons Why Kids Misbehave
Parents who are looking for the reasons why their kids misbehave need to look no further than these 4 motivators of misbehavior.
Helping Your Toddler with Transitions
Toddlers and transitions can be like oil and water: they just don't mix well. Here you will learn effective ways to make your next transition from the playground, grandma's house or the local pool as smooth as possible.
How to Evaluate Family Dynamics
Ever wonder if your family dynamics are healthy? Here you will learn about a family therapist technique called "family mapping."
6 New Year’s Resolutions for Parents
We all have children who demonstrate a behavior we would like to change. Sometimes change needs to start with us, the parents. Here we will go through some New Year's Resolutions you can make to start your new year off right.
Helping Your Child Transition from a Crib to a Bed
It's time for a big boy bed! You may be wondering how you should approach this momentous event. Here we explore 7 tips to help you make the transition smooth and enjoyed by all.
Is My Child Ready for a Big Bed?
How do I know if it is time to say good-bye to the crib? Is he too young? In this article, we will answer your questions with a simple checklist to help making this important decision a little easier.
Is it Time for a Radical Christmas?
Are you looking to have a radically different Christmas this year? Are you tired of the materialism that saturates this holiday? If so, we have some suggestions for you that will make a lasting impression as well as family memories.
Ways to Improve Your Relationship With Your Children
Parenting is a team sport and our children are our star players. In order for any team to be successful, they need to have a strong bond. Here we will explore some suggestions on how you can strengthen your relationship with your kids.
Family Activity: Remember What God Has Done
A meaningful family craft activity that will help you record and remember the ways in which God has had His hand in your life. Create a keepsake that will allow you to share your story with others for years to come.
5 Day Devotional for Kids on the Love of God
A five day devotional plan for kids of all ages that will help your kids learn about the protection and love of God in a fun and memorable way.
How to Handle Fear
For those who struggle with fear, God has a simple but powerful solution.
Empathetic Listening
Listening is more than just hearing. Read on to find out how you can listen to your children in a way that will make them feel heard and understood.
Should We Rest on Sundays? Thoughts on a Modern Day Sabbath
Is a Sabbath Rest relevant to today? How can I possibly rest when I can barely fit everything into 7 days?! If you have ever asked yourself these questions, you are not alone. Here we explore God's design for the Sabbath as well as some cautions against legalism.
How to Help Your Child Identify Feelings – Tips for Parents
Did you know that you have the secret code that will help you better understand and manage your child's difficult feelings? It's YOU! You can use your own feelings as a way to connect to and empathize with strong emotions emitted by your child.
What is Your Parenting Style?
Parenting styles lie on a continuum. At both extremes we have dysfunction and harm. The closer we get to the middle, the better environment for children to grow and thrive.
Help for Back-to-School Anxiety
Is the start of the school year filled with anxiety in your house? Try these five tips to help you and your child manage the back-to-school jitters and start off the year right.
Family Values are the Foundation of Christian Parenting
Every family needs a solid foundation formed out of their values or guiding principles. But how can we do this effectively? Here are some tips.
How to Manage a Temper Tantrum
Temper tantrums. All toddlers have them and almost all parents struggle with how to deal with them. Here are 8 things you can do to manage a temper tantrum from beginning to end.
Book Review: Have a New Kid by Friday by Dr. Leman
Our critical review (including pros and cons) on the popular parenting book, "Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Kevin Leman.
Should I Make My Child Apologize?
Do you force your children to apologize? Is it really anything more than mere words? Here we will explore ways to get to the real issue at hand: true repentance.
How to Apologize to Children- Tips for Christian Parents
Learning to apologize to our children is necessary but often difficult. Learn how you can apologize and model repentance to your children, no matter what age they are.
Tips for Family Devotions
Need some ideas for family devotions? Here are a few ideas and tips to make family devotional time fun and meaningful to all involved.
Energizing Success: Focus on Good Behavior
Do you find that you are always pointing out what your kids are doing wrong? Try focusing on the positive instead of the negative with a technique called "energizing success."
What to do When a Parenting Technique Doesn’t Work
What do you do when you try a new parenting technique and it just doesn't seem to work? You can use our checklist to evaluate and uncover the root of the problem.
Valentine’s Day Activities for Christian Families
Three fun family activities for Valentine's Day that will help your child be "other focused."
A Proven Way to Get Kids to Listen the First Time
A step-by-step guide on how to get kids to listen and obey a command or instruction the first time it is given. It's all in the delivery!
How to Parent a Shy or Sensitive Child
If you have a shy or sensitive child, this article will give you and overview of what it means to be sensitive and how you can best parent such a child.
Why Are You Too Busy? The Fuel Behind the Frenzy
If you find that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that you need to, you may be too busy. Have you every thought why? Here we will explore some common underlying (often unconscious) motivators of busy people.
How to Grocery Shop with Young Kids
Grocery shopping with kids doesn't have to be a drag. Here are 9 things you can do so that the next time you grocery shop with young kids it will be a success!
Words to Encourage Your Children
At the end of the day, do the positives outweigh the negatives in your home? Here are some concrete ways you can encourage your children during the day.
God Can Speak Through Parenting
Parenting can be a window into our relationship with God. Learn how everyday parenting events can give us a deeper understanding of God's love for us.
Christmas Morning Devotional for Kids about Gifts
Take the time on Christmas morning to use all those gifts under the tree as a way to share the gospel with your children.
A Better Way to Do Time Outs – Tips for Christian Parents
This article with guide you through the steps for a better way to do time outs - one that builds in time for God.
How to Help Your Toddler Sit Through a Church Service
Here are seven tips to help your toddler sit through a church service. Try them, they work!